poniedziałek, 24 czerwca 2019

HAVANA feat. Yaar - I lost you || Blue Flarred Sleeve Dress from Kate Kasin

Cześć kochani! 
Jak Wam mija końcówka czerwca? Ja już nie mogę się doczekać powrotu do Polski, tęsknię za domem, za kuchnią mojej babci, za wieczornymi rozmowami z moją mamą, za moimi kochanymi kociakami, nawet za bratem, który wielokroć działa mi na nerwy. Przygoda w Portugalii się kończy, ale zaczyna się coś nowego. Na moje tym życie polega- nigdy nie umiałam usiedzieć w miejscu rzez długi czas. Pół roku spędzone za granicą wiele mnie nauczyło, pokazało mnóstwo pięknych rzeczy, ludzi i miejsc. Bardzo dojrzałam przez te 5 miesięcy, wiele rzeczy zrozumiałam właśnie tu. 
Nie mogłam sobie lepiej wyobrazić Erasmusa, ciągłe wyjazdy (czasami weekend w weekend), wspaniali ludzie, cudne widoki. Nie mogę uwierzyć, że w piątek obudzę się i nie będę widzieć palm za oknem. To pół roku zleciało mi ekspresem, jeszcze nigdy 5 miesięcy nie było tak krótkie! 
Podsumowując, dzisiaj mam dla Was chyba ostatni post modowy z Portugalii, z pięknego Costa Nova, gdzie znajduje się jedna z moich ulubionych plaż. Na sobie mam wygodną sukienkę od KateKasin, znajdziecie ją tu: klik. Sukienka jest bardzo przewiewna, idealna na letnie dni, rękawy wyglądają świetnie. Jedynym minusem jest to, że sukienka się dosyć szybko gniecie. Poza tym nie mam żadnych zarzutów do tego produktu. ♥ 

Zostawiam Was ze zdjęciami, 

niedziela, 16 czerwca 2019

Nothing to wear in the summer? No problem. || DRESSLILY WISHLIST

Hello dear, 
How is your preparation for the summer going? I have just started to look for the maxi dresses that I am obsessed with currently. As the pattern trends are really in, I decided to seek for some maxi dresses, which may look awesome on vacations. I prepared my proposals with Dresslily shop, where you can find a lot of interesting clothes for discount prices. Moreover, I have for you something special- discount code in the end of the post! 
Getting to the point, I found a lot of tropical vibe dresses, check it out here and let me know in comments how do you like it!
And I have a discounts code for you my dear followers❤️
20% for everything using : DLGO20
That means, from $30 there is $6 less and from $150 there is $30 less!


czwartek, 13 czerwca 2019

Ed Sheeran & Justin Bieber - I Don't Care || Baby Blue dress from GrilMerry

Hello everyone!
How is your June going? I am studying whole days and I have no time, literally for nothing. Time flies and soon I will be finally in Poland, in my comfy bed, huging my cats. But summer has just started, and that means new amazing summer dresses needed urgently!
That is why I come to you with the next summer dress proposal. It comes from GirlMerry. Here you can get cheap dresses of high quality both one piece or wholesale dresses.
This one is just gorgeous, I wear it very often, even if I have the same white, and white is my favourite color, this one became my number one. ♥
And what are your favourite summer colours? 

piątek, 7 czerwca 2019

Clean Bandit - Mama (feat. Ellie Goulding) || White embroidered dress x SelfieRoom

Hej kochani ♥ 
Jak tam żyjecie? Jaka jest pogoda w Polsce? U nas ostatnio trochę się popsuła, ale mimo to cieszę się, że tu jestem. Zostały mi już ostatnie tygodnie, więc korzystam ile się da!
Wybaczcie, że znowu rzadziej tu bywam, ale zbliża się sesja, a chcemy jeszcze trochę wykorzystać ten piękny czas Erasmusa ♥ 
Zostawiam Was ze stylizacją ♥ 

sobota, 1 czerwca 2019

New Chic is in the town!

Summer is closer and closer, it is June! I cannot understand how fast the time is flying. I remember as it was Christmas, and now it's almost summer. That is why you probably did not manage to complete your summer closet. On the Website NeChic you can find items almost from every category. Starting from clothing,  where you can find some awesome dresses, ending on applicances useful in summertime. Speaking of summer trends, linnen is the hottest material this season, and of course on the website you will find a lot of linnen clothing. My favourite is white linnen, it looks gorgeous and is so comfy.

Another important trend is summer hairstyle. Nowadays, short hair are in fashion and if you don't want to have your real hair cut, you can just buy the wig. I always wanted to have short hair, but only for a while. Now it is possible, thanks to wigs. You can change your hairstyle and color every day without any harm to your hair. You can find a large variety of short wavy hair on the website.
Another important aspect of summer is beach and swimming. It is hard to look perfect on the beach, without any makeup. And what about the beach parties? There also we want to look flawless. That is why waterproof cosmetics are so desired in the summer. Personally, I cannot live without eyeliner, so in the summer I choose the waterproof products, nevertheless, I am not the only one, thus, in a lot of stores they are out of stock. Now, you can order it online, and not worry that your waterproof eyeliner will be out of stock. 
Next thing that I love about the summer are summer festivals. There is a lenty of them, ofering different activities and music. I would love to go to Coachella one day, nevertheless, I am currently grounded in Europe, so I need to find another dream festival to go to. When I find my favourite, I would definitely need festival makeup. There is a plenty of makeup ideas, which I want to try this summer. For this purpose I would need various colours of cosmetics. Large and relatively not expensive eyeshadow palettes. They include cold toned nudes, perfect for everyday makeup, as well as crazy colours, such as blue, yellow, green or pink, both matte and crazy sparkling eyeshadows. I feel that could help me to make my amazing and very effective festival makeup.
Yet, another aspect is showing your body. In the winter, we do not care as much for the skin and body hair, as in the summer. Showing a lot of your body is trendy now, and the skin should be glowing and smooth. Personally, I prefer epilator, because the effect is relatively long and with every time the hairs are thinner. New Chic shop offers laser hair removal appliances, which will help you to get rid of unwanted "friends" for a long time.
How about your summer goals and dreams? Do you have any?
Let me know in the comments ♥